Course Description
Governing equation and models of fluid flow and heat transfer; basic numerical techniques for solution; estimation of accuracy and stability of the numerical approximations; boundary conditions; grid generation; structure and performance of commercial software for applications in analysis and design of thermo-fluid systems
Course Objectives
- The student will have an understanding of fundamental governing equations of computational fluid flow and heat transfer.
- The student will learn about basic computational techniques for the solution of fluid flow and heat transfer.
- The student will become familiar with commonly used commercial software packages for computational fluid dynamics and heat transfer.
- The student will utilize a computer software tool (FLUENT©) to learn about design aspects of fluid and thermal engineering.
Kinnick Stadium (north wind 20mph)
Submarine (Year 05, Project 9)
Drafting Bikers (down-up position)
Hydrofoil (Year 05, Project 9)
Drafting Bikers (up-down position)
Past Final Projects
Year 2009
Hemodynamic Analysis of Morphologically Variant Aneurysms: Adam Beranek-Collins and Rohini Retarekar
Athena Model CFD Simulation in Fluent: Thad Michael and James Johansen
Modeling of Transient to Turbulence Flow in The Arterial Stenosis: Mehrdad H Farahani and Majid Emadi
A CFD Approach to Quantifying the Hemodynamic Forces in Giant Cerebral Aneurysms: Anna Hoppe and Brian Walsh
Dynamic Effects of Drafting: Shane Cook and Ankush Bhasin
CFD Modeling of Bladeless Fan: Dan Wu and Jun-Chun Wong
X-Wing Fighter: A Computational Fluid Simulation of a Fictitious Aircraft at Sub- and Supersonic Speeds: Marta Muilenburg and James Ulstad
Effects of golf ball dimple configuration: Pengfei Du and Yan Zhang
Pentacrest airflow simulation: Matt Johnson and Danielle Washburn
BBQ Grill Problem: Akira Hanaoka and Masashi Yamaguchi
CFD Model of rotating Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine: David Allen and Omer Elgaali
Year 2008
Modeling Kinnick Stadium Wind Conditions: Eric DeCristofaro and Alan Zantout
Investigation of Wind Flow around an Urban Environment: Ozge Kureksiz and Megan Leone
Numerical Investigations of Wing-in-ground Effects: Kwang Jun Paik and Tomohiro Takai
Study of airplane winglets on lift and drag: Jon Barry and Nicole Heacock
Aerodynamic Bicycle Forks: Kendall Jackson and Dennis Andre
Simulation of Clark Y Airfoils with Different Aspect Ratios: Stuart Breczinski and Ryan Tesar
Analysis of the Effect of Vortex Induced Vibration on Cylindrical Structures: Rob Marr and Craig Murray
Computer Heat Sink Design Analysis: Neeraj Mishra, Neal Grieb and Xiupeng Wei
Simulation Heat Loss from Houses during the Winter: Jon Higgerson and Yushi Wang
Comparative CFD Analysis of Mixer blades: Greg Samuels and Ben VanSchepen
Interaction of Flow Fields Around Multiple Parachute Jumpers: Curtis Goreham-Voss and Joe Lomheim
Modeling the Flow Nature over Different Cross Sections of a Spiral Stent Implanted in Human Stenotic Trachea: Liza Shrestha and Maged Awadalla
Fluid Dynamics of Swimming: Beau Bushman and Steve Slach
Tarkio Stream Fish Ladder: Mike Schubert and LlynnAnn Luellen
Vortex Shedding of Various Winglet Styles and the Effect on Lift: Chris Lu and Jacob Thole
Year 2007
Analysis of Race Car Wing Geometry: Matthew Marquardt and Jonathan Zeman
Temperature Distribution in an Apartment of Hawkeye Drive: Reinaldo Morales Garcia and Shinjiro Miyawaki
Flow Comparison between a Disk Golf Driver and an Ultimate Frisbee: Matt Pokorny and Brett Kline
CFD Simulation of Aerodynamic Fairing: Robert Maier and Leigh Roto
CFD Analysis of Hang glider: Jacob Lee and Andy Ewald
Study of the modification of the wind field by the Vaisala compact weather station WXT510: Renato P. M. Frasson and Seok Jung Hong
Brake Cooling Duct Design for Race Cars: Andy Merlino
Analysis of the effects of dihedral wings and v-style tail designs: Nicole Becklinger and Paul Jermihov
Modeling culvert Flow with Fluent 6.2: George Reins and Howard Ho
Year 2006
Preliminary Evaluation of Kite Use in High Altitude Wind Power: Ilker Karakaya and Alex Monroe
Simulating Air and Fuel Flow through a Carburetor/Venturi with Varied Valve Position: Brett Bathel and Matt Zanker
3D Simulation of a Fish Bypass in a Hydroelectric Power Plant: Gaston Ferrari and Vijay Govindarajan
Simulated Airflow in a Five-Generation Human Airway Tree: Andrew Lambert
Airflow Around Two Drafting Bikers Riding in Different Positions: Bob Higgins and Jess Goetz
Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of a Golf Ball in Flight: Kevin Langan and Tim Kennelly
CFD Analysis of Drag on Pickup Body with Varying Tailgate Positions: Colin Chrastka and Mike Elgin
Year 2005
Airflow in a Polluted vs. non-Polluted Human Airway: Georgette Stern and Terri Hansen
Fluid Flow Around Modern Rifle Round Vs Musket Ball: Will Hornung and Dane Trotzig
AIAA Airfoil Design: Anthony Dix and Paul Deegan
Benefits of Drafting: Dan Kinne
Spider Rover for the Mars Environment: Carrie Wilson and Adam Roche
Simulation of Flow around Cyclists using Fluent: Joe Daraio and Talia Tokyay
Simulation of Traveling Grater Furnace and Particle Deposition: Kazeem Olanrewaju and Bihua Wei
Simulations of Reacting/Non-Reacting Flows on A Low-Swirl Burner: Hui Gao and Yun Huang
RANS Simulation around the Three-Dimensional bodies with Free-Surface: Yoon Hyunse and Nobuaki Sakamoto
Year 2004 (on leave)
Year 2003
Topographic Effect on Wind Turbine Positioning: Y. Morales-Chavez, S. K. Ooi, and A. Yorozuya
Three Dimensional Fow Simulation before and after Endovascular Coil Embolization of a Terminal Cerebral Aneurysm: D. Ely, C. Fitzgerald, and B. Koppenhaver
CFD Simulation of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: J. Kratzberg and C. Gassman
CFD Smulation of Dust Particle Flow during Tuck Pointing: A. Harwood and S. Dillard
Simulation of Flow in a Bed of Bivalve Mollusks: A. McCoy, N. Young, and C. Walters
CFD Simulation of Flow Structure around a Bridge Pier: G. Kirkil, C. Polatel, and C. Turan
Drag Force Analysis of Hummer H1 with Mounted GPS Antenna in Different Positions: Z. Hou, R. Korkut, and E. C. Ozdemir
Airflow Simulation for Hydrogen Sulfide Gas in a Grit Building Environment: J. A. Lee
Year 2002
Heavy Vehicle Aerodynamics: Tractor Roof Top Deflectors: D. Ceynar, K. D. Karnstedt, and G. Zhou
A Study of the Aerodynamics of Truck-Car Interaction: S. Vigmostad and H. Kim
Study of Drag Force on a Heavy Duty Truck : S. Kabilan and M. Md. Haque
Year 2001
Analysis of the drag force distribution on the surface of the car: I. Kurtogle, Y. Miao, and Y. Zhang
Effects of Turbulent Modeling on Sedan Drag: L. Breeher, J. Garvin, and B. Jeffrey
Investigation of Drag on a Sedan Using Fluent: J. Shao, J. Gao, and B. Ma
Drag Force Analysis with Two-Car Configuration: M. Gan, R. Venturumilli, and B. Ryan
Drag Force on an Chevrolet S-10 Pickup Truck: B. Diebold, A. Link, and G. McAlister
Year 2000
Heating and Ventilation of a Residential Room: J. Hu and D. Abraham
Simulation of Ventilated Indoor Environment: Y. Sun and H. Zhang
Air Flow Study of a Ventilation System for Swine Confinement: Z. Lin and L. Zhang
Computational Study of Raised Floor Air conditioning system: L. Mao, Z. Xiong, and X. Yu