Research Scientists
Research Scientists
- Jiwoong Choi
Postdoctoral Research Scholars
Postdoctoral Research Scholars
- Prathish Rajaraman K.
PhD Students
PhD Students
- Xuan Zhang
- Frank Li
- Chunrui Zou
Alumni and Friends
Alumni and Friends
- Babak Haghighi
- Nathan Ellingwood
- Dan Wu
- Maged Awadalla
- Nariman Jahani
- Professor Jinping Li, Wuhan University, China
- MD Eric Moreddu, France
- Sanghun Choi (PhD 2014): University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa
- Shinjiro Miyawaki (PhD 2013): University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa
- Jiwoong Choi (PhD 2011): University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa
- Haribalan Kumar (PhD 2011): Bioengineering Institute, The University of Auckland, New Zealand
- Youbing Yin (PhD 2011): Vida Diagnostics, Coralville, Iowa
- Andrew R. Lambert (MS 2010): Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
- Seok-Ki Choi (visiting scholar, PhD, 7/2009-6/2010): Researcher of Korea Atomic Research Institute, Korea
- Yongguan Cheng (visiting scholar, PhD, 8/2009-2/2010): Professor of Wuhan University
- Guohua Xia (postdoctor 2009): FLASH ASC center, University of Chicago
- Haegyun Lee (postdoctor 2009, PhD 2008): Lecturer, Dankook University
- Gökhan Kirkil (postdoctor 2008): Research Scientist, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, CA
- Quanxin Xia (PhD 2008): Research Engineer, offshore oil company, Houston, Texas
- Namgyun Jeong (KAIST PhD 2007 with Professor Do-Hyung Choi at KAIST)
- Taehun Lee (postdoctor 2005, PhD 2004): Assistant Professor, City College of New York
- Senthil Kabilan (MS 2005): University of Washington
- Wusi Yue (PhD 2003): Former postdoctor in Biocomplexity, Johns Hopkins University
- Ismail Kurtoglu (MS 2003): Turkey
- Tianfeng Chai (PhD 2002): Environmental Protection Agency
- Jie Cue (PhD 2000): Associate Professor, Tennessee Tech University